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Showing posts from December, 2012

The Ring of Solomon, Bartimeaus prequel

Cover Ring of Solomon edisi Indonesia Judul : Ring of Solomon penulis: Jonathan Stroud Th.terbit : Nov 2012 (Indonesia) Sebenarnya aku sudah expect kedatangan buku ini sejak tahun 2010 saat Ring of Solomon terbit di AS. Untuk sejenak, setelah 2 minggu lebih berkutat dengan buku serius,  mari kita beralih ke buku fantasy, Dan salah satu yang terbaik adalah sequel dari Bartimeaus. Trilogy Bartimeaus terbit di tahun 2003-2005 dan mencapai kesuksesan di beberapa negara. Sampai di tahun 2010, mengikuti kesuksesan triloginya dan permintaan banyak fans, akhirnya Jonathan Stroud menerbitkan prequel trilogi tersebut di dalam buku Ring of Solomon. Ring of Solomon masih dengan lakon utama jin cerdik dan culas, Bartimeaus namun diceritakan dengan setting berbeda dari trilogy sebelumnya, yaitu dari kota London ke jaman sebelum masehi di Jerusalem pada masa pemerintahan Raja Solomon. Prequel ini seakan menjadikan footnote yang Ada di trilogy sebelumnya menjadi kisah ut...

Less Than Zero

L ess Than Zero  Author : Bret Easton Ellis Year Published : 1985 “I don't have anything to lose.” Excerpt From: Less Than Zero.  This material may be protected by copyright. Less than Zero is first published novel by Bret Easton Ellis in 1985. Bret Easton Ellis is known by his work; American Psycho.  Following my literature marathon, after Catcher in the Rye, Less Than Zero also recommended to readers who love the same typical perpective-first person narration. It is Clay, the first person in the novel. Clay was home for Christmas break. He is 18 years old and going to New Hampshire for College.  Clay is living in high-end housing in L.A. His parents were divorced. He was living with his mother and sisters while his father-a success bussinessman living separately. The main story of this novel is Clay 'adventure' night by night with less consciousness. He went arround from party to party, doing one night stand, using drugs, and m...

the Catcher in the Rye

The Catcher in the Rye Writer  :  J.D.Salinger Published Year : 1951 “The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one.'” Excerpt From: Salinger, J.D. “The Catcher in the Rye.” iBooks.  The Catcher in the Rye is American classic book that up until now is still frequently used as literature.  If you like Perks of being Wallflower, you will definetely love the Catcher in the Rye. Nope, in reverse, If you love catcher in the Rye, you will also love Perks of being a Wallflowe r because Stephen Chbosky-the writer of Perks of being Wallflower has been influenced by this novel. The Main character in this Novel is Holden Caufield, a rebel teenager with setting in two days in December 1949. Yes two days (underlined, bolded). Holden begin his story at Pencey Prep, a private school in Aegerstown, Pennsylvania. That day, Holden_as the Manager of ...

Tae Guk Gi, War Movie taste Korean

Tae Guk Gi (2004) Director : Kang Jae Kyu Casts: Won Bin, Jang Dong Gun Genre : War Won Bin as Lee Jin Seok Well, Tae Guk Gi is definitely War movie-genre that originated from Korea. I must admit that initially I was skeptic about this movie. I already have it for several months, but never decided to watch it until yesterday, when I really run out of movie. I always love Korean Movie but when it is come to drama or romantic movie. Colossal movie is ok, but war? Never tried before and I am bit worry with logic and time leap (because Korean movie often forget about thus twos). Tae Guk Gi is story about Korean War in 1950’s that take place in Korea. If I might recall, Korean War is a war between North Korean and South Korean. Based on Wikipedia, Korea War last for 3 years (1950 – 1953) and then they made a truce until now. On June 1950, When North Korea send their armies for the first time to invade South Korean, two brothers, Lee tae jin (Jang Dong Gun) -...