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The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

The Book Thief Author : Markus Zusak Published Date : 2006 Language : English Along 2013, The Book Thief is one of book with the finest diction I ever read. The Author, somehow success to deliver the beautiful of sentence by playing with personification without too much confusing the reader. Not kind of classic language but may be, a decade later, this book could be categorized as one of classic books parallel with To Kill a Mockingbird or Diary of Young Girl : Anne Frank. What this book is all about? Why I praise it from the beginning of my review? Well, because I fall in love this book. everything seems from different point of view. This is a story about Germany when World War II happened. Yup, you may suspect it is about Holocaust. Nope this is story about German girl name Liesel Meminger who born in 1929. She was 11 years old when she saw her brother death in her very eyes. That time, she was on her journey and her brother died in the train. After her brother buried, her Mother aba

After Dark by Haruki Murakami

Cover version Vintage-books After Dark Author : Haruki Murakami First published in 2004 Origin : Japan I found this book on my way to boarding, and can't help to pick it because of its size and thickness. Initially, I expect I can finish this book on 2-hours flight, but the fact is, I dozed off and wake up without open any single page at all. Well, I guess  this is 7th of Murakami's book that I've been read in one year. Yes, I am in marathon of Murakami's artwork and hopefully by the next year I will finish all of his books, fiction-non fiction including the newest one that published this year in japanese and next year in english. After Dark, like I said before there is nothing metaphor on Murakami's title. After dark is centered on stories where the sun goes down, leaving only darkness and let the light dancing over the night. The story started with a-19 years old girl whom decided to spent her all night alone outside of her home. She is staying

a Wild Sheep Chase (3rd book of Trilogy of the Rat)

A Wild Sheep Chase Author : Haruki Murakami Published in 1982 Origin : Japan A Wild Sheep Chase, the final book of the trilogy of the Rat which occasionally the first full novel of Japanese Author, Haruki Murakami. It is also the first book of Murakami's which translated in english and sold outside Japan (the previous two is translated in english but sold limited in Japan). From the title, a Wild Sheep Chase, like always, Murakami is rarely using a metaphor for its title. A wild sheep chase is literally story about chasing a wild sheep. Yup, hold your breath, stop questioning what it will like. The story set when the remain-unnamed-protagonist is already married for 4 years long. The story open about the death of one of his acquaintance in college. A girl who sleep with every one. Back from the funeral, the protagonist found his ex-wife sitting inside his apartment. It is a brief scene how his ex-wife saying goodbye and leaving the reader puzzled, craving more stories about how the

Wonder by R.J. Palacio

Wonder by R.J Palacio " When given the choice between the right or being kind, choose kind" _Wonder, R.J Palacio Title : Wonder Author : R.J Palacio Year Published : 2012 Language : English Given the first quote above about being right or kind might be tickle your expectation. This book should  be humanism-theme when human torn between his duty to be kind person to the other, or just to be the rightful man and leave the heart locked in somewhere.  The truth is, this book is a heart-feeding book. A very good vitamin to made us as kind and heart person. Spoiler alert, this book will squeeze your heart because there are many sincerity, love and attention. Most of all, it is about August Pullman, 5th grader boy who has been home schooled for his entire life due to his  Treacher-Collins syndrome  or in a rude way, has caused his face deformed.  August is a sweetheart, he is living with his loving parents, a very attentive sister, Olivia an

Pinball, 1973 by Haruki Murakami

Pinball,1973 Author : Haruki Murakami First Published in 1980 Origin : Japan "If you look at things from a distance," I said as I swallowed some lobster, " most anything looks beautiful." Pinball, 1973 is the second book from the trilogy of the Rat and preceded by Hear The Wind Sing and later followed by A Wild Sheep Chase (1982). Still in format of Novella, the story started with still, the remain unnamed protagonist and take place 3 years after Hear the Wind Sing conclusions. The character is almost the same, the protagonist is somehow lonesome, questioning the life meaning. He works as a translator in the company that he built with his friend from university. Somehow he looks unhappy with his life. By living alone in a apartment, suddenly an identical twin sisters appeared in his apartment and started living in there. The twin never mentioned their name, the protagonist somehow managed to call them by number. The second story is about our frie

Anne Frank : The Diary of Young Girl

courtesy : Anne Frank : The Diary of Young Girl Author : Anne Frank Year of first Published : 1947 Origin Language : Dutch Genre : Memoar Voted by 3,091 Goodreads member as number #7 of  Best (100) Books of the 20th Century made me expect so high from this book. Just like its title, the book is once used to be a diary from 13 years old girl, Anne Frank when she and her family hiding during Nazi occupation in Netherland.  If previously I read about another WWII survivor- Thomas Burgenthal on his memoar   A Lucky Child, sebuah memoar saksi hidup world war II ,   Anne Frank is also a victim whom her story inspired so many peoples for her bravery, smart and honesty but in different way of survive compare to Thomas.If Thomas survive from moving from one place to another, Anne is kept hiding in a "secret annex"- an hidden annex in his father (used to be) office.  Nowadays, her "Secret Annex"- a place where she spend t

Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami

Cover Courtesy Hear The Wind Sing Author : Haruki Murakami Year of Published : July 1979 Published in English : February 1987 Origin : Japan " There aren't any real strong people anywhere. Only people who can put on a good show of being strong" Hear the Wind Sing is first novel of the famous Japanese Author, Haruki Murakami. Having decided that Murakami is my favorite author ever, I tried to trace back his first novel and enjoyed the time when his writing not yet matured enough. Hear the Wind Sing is the first book of trilogy of the Rat series. Brought back in 70's, the story telling about a boy whom spend his summer holiday in his hometown (he is a college student). The story narrated from the first point of view of 21 years old unnamed boy. Don't imagine it like Less than Zero novel where the boy spend the days doing drug and sex. The story is flowing smooth (not really wild) where the boy spend his days sitting on a local bar

Kafka on Shore by Haruki Murakami

Cover courtesy Kafka On Shore  Author : Haruki Murakami First Published Year : 2002 Origin : Japan  "That things in life fated by our previous lives. That even in the smallest events there's no such thing as coincidence" Kafka on Shore is another worldwide-best seller from the hands of Haruki Murakami, Japanese Famous Author.  Since reading 1Q84, 12th novel of Murakami, I submit myself of the big fans of Murakami's artwork. May be it would be better if I read Murkami's work based on time orderly so I could understand the change of his writing style from time to time.  Like any other Murakami's book, Kafka on shore is consist of suspense, magical reality, and how should i put it? hmm..unusual sexes theme.  Kafka on shore is story about two different main character (just like 1Q84) whom somehow related but always crossing the each other path. The main character is Kafka Tamura. Yes name of Kafka is unusual for Japane

Panggil Aku Kartini Saja

Panggil Aku Kartini Saja Penulis : Pramoedya Ananta Toer Cetakan I : Juli, 2003 Penerbit : Lentera Dipantara "Pada Jamannya Kartini adalah inspirator tapi sekarang, faktanya, Kartini hanyalah puing-puing yang coba hidupkan sekali setahun."-sebuah epilog oleh Indiah Rahayu- Epilog di penutup buku tersebut atas seperti menjawab ringkasan dari seluruh kisah tentang Kartini di benak rakyat Indonesia. Menggelitik, terkesan insultif, namun kenyataannya demikian. Rakyat Indonesia yang mana yang tidak mengenal Kartini? Bahkan sejak berada di bangku taman kanak-kanak, anak Indonesia telah dikenalkan oleh sosok samar-samar seorang Kartini, pahlawan wanita yang setiap hari lahirnya dirayakan secara nasional sebagai Hari Kartini. Namun sebatas itu, Kartini adalah pahlawan wanita namun peran apakah yang Ia torehkan dalam sejarah perjuangan Indonesia hingga hari lahirnya dijadikan hari libur nasional? Kenapa bukan Cut Nyak Dien yang jelas-jelas mengangkat senjata melawan p

The Fault in Our Stars

Cover courtesy The Fault in Our Stars Author : John Green Year Published : January 2012 Language : English “Pain is like fabric: The stronger it is, the more it’s worth.” Excerpt From: The Fault in Our Stars.  Inspired by the famous play of Shakespeare, the title of "The Fault in Our Stars refer to the act when the nobleman Cassius says to Brutus, 'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.'" But does the book as poet as Shakespeare? Well, this book is something really different with the Shakespeare thing. It is about the story of death and cancer. It is narrated by 16 years old girl, Hazel whom diagnosed having thyroid cancer since she was 13 years old. Hazel is forced to joid a support group for teenager whom had cancer by her mother. In there, with her cynical thought and also smart, she met Isaac- a boy whom lost his sight due to cancer and Augustus-Gus, a 17 years handsome boy whom a former basketball pl

Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

Norwegian Wood Author : Haruki Murakami Year Published : 1987 Origin : Japan English translated by Jay Rubin (2000 edition) "Death is not the opposite of life, but an innate part of life" Before reading the book, I already watch the movie version of this book. I've heard about Murakami's name and give it 5 stars on his latest book, 1Q84 but how about Norwegian Wood? The first world-wide published book from Murakami's hands. I should admit I didn't enjoy the movie very much. The plot is ok, but i feel something is disconnected between one scene to another. That must be something is powerful in this story rather than its plot. So I give it a try to the book, and at the very first page, I already falling in love. Norwegian Wood is very Murakami. It is Murakami whom able to told someone's mindmap beautifully, truthfully, and evidently. This is story about 37 years old man, Toru Watanabe whom just arrived in Hamburg, Germany. When he hears an

The Hundred Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

Courtesy Author : Jonas Jonasson Origin Language : Sweden Publisher : Hesperus Press Translated by Rod Bradburry Pages : 387 "Once you've reached certain age, it is easier to sense when everything feels exactly right" This time I chose the popular book which embedded with International best-selling sensation title. Also, this is my first time reading Sweden-based-book which I found so hard to remember the name. Just like its title, The Hundred Year Old Man who Climbed out of the Window and Disappeared, tickle our curiosity what would happen next, what kind of adventure would be leaded to this old man. Alan Karlsson is sitting in his room of the Old People Home, waiting on the 100 years old party he never wanted anyway, and then decide to climbed out of his window and  leaving his party behind. With only using slipper and bring a tiny money, he decided go to bus station and see how far he can go with his money. Sitting waiting hi