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Venuto al Mondo

Venuto al Mondo (Twice Borns)
Director : Sergio Castellitto
Casts : Penelope Cruz, Emile Hirsch
Origin : Italia
Language : English, Italia, Serbian

Oh yes this is definitely drama, but I won't review unworthy film in here so hold your prejudice and take a peek for awhile.

Venuto al Mondo or Twice Born in english is Italian Movie that has been relased in November 2012. This movie is based on novel romance of Margaret Mazzantini (to be honest I never read any of her work but now i'm curious). 

If a movie based on novel, I can guarantee that the storyline will be great!!

Venuto al Mondo is story about a mother (Gemma- Penelope Cruzz) whom decided to take a holiday with her only son, Pietro (Pietro Castillo) to the city of Sarajevo in where Pietro born twelve years earlier.

In Sarajevo, Gemma is being picked up by Gojco, a local people whom happen also picked up Gemma when she went to Sarajevo for the first time. Gojco is Gemma close friend that also happen ever fall in love to Gemma long time ago. 

The Plot is for-and backward. First when Gemma met Gojco, she remember everything when she came to the town. Initially she want to doing some research and Gojco is his guide in Sarajevo. Then in incidental occasion, Gemma met an american photographer, Diego.

Diego is a free spirit, and careless. He never sad because he like being happy. Then they are madly in love, but Gemma decided back to her hometown in Italia and married to an architect. Soon, they are divorced and Diego come to Italia to pursue Gemma.

Their love were never end, so they decided to get married in Italia. Diego finally learn to change hisself gradually, he trying to work to earn money and more responsible like stop smoking, and psychotropics. In early years, they tried so hard to have a baby but always failed. Gemma is having hemorraghe and then doctor decided that Gemma is sterile.

Her condition made her scare very much. She is affraid that Diego will stop loving her. Only a baby will tied Diego to Gemma forever. So Gemma tried to pursuade Diego to having a baby with a surrogate mother. First Diego refused it, but Gemma keep insisted until they back to Sarajevo and met a mucisians girl whom happen love Nirvana very much, Aska.

Aska is like Diego. She is a free spirit, what she only care is money to chase her dream. She would do anything to get cash including sell her belly. But that time, in 1992 Sarajevo is in chaos. Right before the doctor tried to fertilize Aska's egg with Diego sperms, the city is in explosions. They failed.

But Gemma didn't want to give up, she ask Diego to directly make love with Aska and after long consideration, Diego agree to her. They plan to make love in Gemma's rent house.

Well, what really interesting from this movie is, beside its cinematography that awesome and ambitious and the interesting plot, but the best part is the unpredictable story. 

When I follow the flow, I guessed strongly whom Pietro exactly but turns out I am wrong!! 

The main story of this movie is Gemma's trial to telling the truth to her beloved son whoose his real parents. And seems like the interesting part is started in 40 minutes before the movie end. 

At first, may be you will suspect this movie is just so-so movie with predictable plot. But No! it is definitely no! I admit that almost first hour of this movie is kind of boring and slow, but at the end it is really enjoyable.

I can feel the pain of the main actors tried to express. The acting of both Gemma and Diego is brilliant even Aska. For the conclusion, it is not typically mellodrama movie!

I give rating 7 out of 10 for this movie. And I am not forget to give 21+ for this movie , definitely for adult. Happy watching!

notes : the OST is also amazing!!!
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