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Family of Liars by E. Lockhart

Paperback Edition

 A windswept private island off the coast of Massachusetts.
A hungry ocean, churning with secrets and sorrow.
A fiery, addicted heiress. An irresistible, unpredictable boy.
A summer of unforgivable betrayal and terrible mistakes.

Welcome back to the Sinclair family.
They were always liars.



Family of Liars; Prequel of We Were Liars

Author : E. Lockhart

Published year : 2022

Pages : 298

Language : English

Genre : Thriller, Young Adult



Seven years ago, I read We Were Liars and got blown away, love it so much then when I saw the prequel lay in the bookstore, I have no choice but to purchase it. The thing about me, is I am OCD-ing when it comes to completing series, though I have a feeling this one will be predictable.

We return to the 'noble' Sinclair Family, told from the point of view of Johnny's mother. The Eldest sister of four beautiful blond sisters, back in 1985.

Johnny's mother, Carrie is in her teenage year. Still every summer, the family comes to the private island along with her mother and father, Tipper and Haris also her three other sisters, Penny, Bess, and Rosemary. One summer, Rosemary, the youngest sister, drowns in the sea of the island. Her death was never really discussed among the family. They are living like before, strong as a rock, and never talked about their feeling.

But Carrie, who always being sensitive, has a lot on her plate. She wants to talk about her little sister with the family, but no one corresponds with her. Moreover, she's not Sinclair enough, her jaw is too strong, not beautiful enough as her sister. She must undergo surgery to repair the facial expression that leads her to sleep pill addiction.

Like any other summer, the family back to the Island. Harris's brother and his family also come. Also, Yardley-the sister's cousin brings her boyfriend along with two whole hormone teenage boys. 

Seeing other newcomers, Carrie was delighted because that year has been tough for her. She is a bright girl in the school but noticed that nobody ever asks her on a date. One boy who particularly interests her is Pffef. The typical sunny boy who always flirted with every girl in the room.

During the lemon hunting, Pffef suddenly kisses Carrie for the first time in her life. Infatuated, Carrie told them what happen that night to her sisters. And the summer fling happened. Tough Carrie realizes that Pffef is unreliable, but she experienced everything for the first time with that college boy. 

One night, an unexpected event happened that change everything in Carrie's life. The truth about her family, the web of lies of her parents and sisters. And most of all, Carrie keeps seeing Rosemary's ghost. She love that girl so much but why only her saw Rosemary? Is it because of her addiction?

Well, after reading We Were Liars, I guess I am quite familiar with E. Lockhart's writing style so what happened didn't surprise me enough. However, it is a quick read that must be a page-turner for me. I like how the family theme, the cold relationship between rich parents and their kids, and how the characters developed distinctively. I don't like the sisters, and their snobbiness, but how I love how Carrie talks with Rosemary's ghost genuinely.

And for the young adult genre, E.Lockhart's dictions are beautiful and keeping mentioning Robert Frost is a plus side for me.

Therefore, I like this book though I like We Were Liars much better. Do I need to purchase it? For the sake of my collection, yes. But maybe kindle is better because it is cheaper!



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