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Schindler's List

Schindler’s List (1993)
Main Casts:
Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler
Ralph Fiennes as Amon Goeth (orang yang sama sebagai Lord Voldemort di Harry Potter movies)
Ben Kingsley as Itzhak Stern.

Yes, this is another muvee with setting World War II.
This muvee directed from a very talented and our most favorite director-Steven Spielberg based on novel with same title that published on 1982 from the hand of writer namely Thomas Keneally.
Don’t expect it will be lot of explosions or you will be disappointed. But if only this will be cheering you, there are lots of bloods_.
For whom loved humanity, this muvee is highly recommended, if I might say masterpiece.
The story centered on Oskar Schindler, a German business who able to catch a big opportunity from war. He tried to persuade the German’s government to allow him using (not hiring) Jewish as his labor in his factory. He saw the opportunity that Jewish as labor will reduce a lot of his expense.
For earlier, he tried to persuade a Jewish-smart Accountant Itzhak Stern to joint his company. Firstly, Itzhak denied him and seen Oskar as opportunist. But later, he realized that by joining Oskar’s company, he will get a blue card (worker card) and save him for awhile to be sent to Camp concentration.
In instant, Oskar obtains his wealthy and his company progress so fast. He very believed on Itzhak and leave him to do recruitment. Itzhak pick labor for humanity consideration. He didn’t pick not only young peoples, but also elderly, woman, and children. But thus, labors also have compatibility to help Oskar run his company.
German people only see Oskar as a mean, greedy and flamboyant entrepreneur. They thought that Oskar torture Jewish inside his company, in fact Oskar save them unaccidentally.
When Oskar meet his one-handed persistent employee
The touching moment is when an old men came to Oskar's office after waiting for several days to meet him. That man wants to thanks to Oskar because Oskar has save his life by employed him. At first Oskar denied to meet him, but Itzhak insisted and they met. That moment, when Oskar just realized that the man have only one arm left. Oskar objected to see him face to face and hurried that man to leave him. When Oskar avoiding that man's eyes, I think thats the turning point! Oskar finally realized that Itzhak do his recruitment based on humanity and professionalism.

Altough that moment brought a debate between Oskar and Itzhak, but in the end Oskar let Itzhak keep choosing which jewish he want to hire, and as for Itzhak, he realised that deep in Oskar's heart, he is noble man.

Amon Goeth who loved to shoot Jewish

But nothing last in peace for long at World War II. the new commander of the ghetto, Amon Goeth is a very cold man whom hate Jewish very much. He love killing people without any doubt and fear. The presence of Oskar's company, made him uneasy. SS also see that by employing skilled jewish will reduce their expense and make their suffering economics going better.
At the early day of the commander, he vanished almost half of the ghetto by killing them, and bring the rest to the camp to work for him. Not work actually but to be his slave, including Oskar's employee. Knowing that, Oskar come to meet Amon and discussed with him to get his employee back. In the end, Oskar get his employees back, barter with 'gratitude show', but no Itzhak. Amon knew well that Itzhak is Oskar'right hand, and he want to keep Itzhak for his self.
Massacre at concentration camp
Continously, Oskar visit Itzhak at the camp, and at very brief time, Itzhak told him what to do to run his company. But later, Itzhak asked Oskar to bring the prisoner inside the camp to Oskar's company to save their life. The compensation is not cheap. Oskar should bribe some people to getting some jewish out.

Gradually, the Oskar's company is famous between the Jewish. They said that no man dies at Oskar's company, so some people begging to Oskar to work at his place. In front of the begger, Oskar denied it but at the behind, he asked Itzhak to getting some prisoners out of the camp. That moment, the priority of Oskar have been change, from the profit oriented, to humanity oriented. Unvoluntary, Oskar created a shelter to peoples where they feel saved working under his company.
The climax is when Oskar has a dilemma. He knew that there will be massacre in concentration camp. He can close his eyes, and stop working, back to his home town because he already wealthy enough. Or will he do something to save lifes and he know he must compensate big amount of money for that. So, what happen next is what written on the title; Schindler list.
Oskar and Itzhak working on Schindler List
I think this movie is very amazing. I don't need to cry all along the muvee, but there are several touching moment that makes my humanity's belief restored. The main cast not a melancholic or soft people. He just ordinary man, having weakness and strong characters. How bad he is, how greedy he is, how ignorant he is, how play boy he is, but he have a heart that drive his power to choose what important the most. The character of Itzhak and Amon also well played. Yes, this movee that based on true story is deserved a platinum medal from me, shifting the pianist :).
This muvee is highly recommended to those who loved humanity theme. Of course the twisted the best,raping my heart and leave a deep mark on my mind ;)

Fact: this movie run for almost 3 hours and served on black and white (except for the last part). It is rated for 17+ because there are some nude shoot, and bed shoot.

You might also like:
The Pianist,story about a jew pianist during WWII
The Boy in the stripped pajamas, an unbelievable friendship between commander's son and a Jew during WWII
Life is beautiful, WWII from an Italian Jew father's eyes
A Schindler's List, story about a success businessman to save his Jew labors


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