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The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Cover The Sun Also Rises (courtesy :

The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta)
Author : Ernest Hemingway
First Published in year 1926
Language : English

"We should not question. Our stay on earth is not for long. Let us rejoice amd believe and give thanks."

It is another English Classic book! Well, who don't know Ernest Hemingway? I guess his name is frequently mentioned both in movies and novels.

This is my first time reading any Hemingway writing, and honestly I expect differently before reading this book.

Like any '20s writing, let say The Great Gatsby, the setting of Sun also rises is portray the post WorldWar I decription.

The story is narrated by Jake Barnes, an American expatriate living in Paris. In first book, the story beginned by Jake meeting with his college friend, Robert Cohn-a former boxer. 
The setting is in cafes in Paris. Later they met Lady Brett Ashley, a widow and had fond Jake very much. Brett is a widow in her 30's ages with her bobbed hair. The bobbed hair itself is rather controversy in 20's.

In book 1 is revealed that because of war, Jake is suffering sexually maime ( impotent), that later I suspect, the reason why Brett isn't able togother with Jake.

Continuing in book 2, still with their cafe to cafe adventorous, drunk every night habitual, Jake decided to watching Fiesta -bull racing festival in Pamplona, Spain join with his american friend, Bill Gorton. Before went there, they staying in Bayonne (I assume city in the border or France and Spain) to fishing trouts. In there, they met with Robert Cohn that waiting for the arrival of Brett Ashley and her fiancee, Michael Campbell. Mike Campbell is a britishmen (Scott, actually) and he went into bankruptcy, leave his loan every where.

RobertCohn is falling in love with Brett Ashley. Before went to Pamplona, Robert is get introduced to Brett by Jake. Later they live together for a short term holiday and made Robert leave his long term girlfriend for chasing Brett. 
Departed from Bayonne, after one week fishing in there, Jake went to Pamplona to watch the Fiesta with Bill. Later they join with Bret and Mike that arrived one day ahead, Robert is also joining but his presence made Mike irritated because Robert is crazy in love with Brett and followed her anywhere she went. 

In Plampona, they spent their days to enjoy the festival. In the morning they had a breakfast, talk with strangers drinking fine wine, then watch the running of the bulls, attend bullfights, and get drunk in the night. They converse each other between drunk and sober. 

Then Jake introduces Brett to the 19-year-old matador Romero at the Hotel Montoya; she is smitten with him and seduces him. The jealous tension among the men builds—Jake, Mike, Cohn, and Romero each love Brett. Cohn, who had been a champion boxer in college, has fistfights with Jake, Mike, and Romero, whom he beats up. Despite his injuries, Romero continues to perform brilliantly in the bullring.

 In Book 3, the fiesta is over and each character back to their life. Jake back to Paris separating with Bill, and Mike. RObert Cohn leave early because everybody disregard him. Only Brett stay in Madrid with Romero.

The strength of this novel is the descriptive narration. Readers will be drawned into the 20's setting of Paris and of course the Fiesta. This novel itself is like live journal of Hemingway during his journey in Pamplona. 

Honestly, at first I found my self confuse reading this novel. I am not the descriptive-type reader, If something get bore or I already grab the general description, i usually skipped. But in this novel, I should force my self to read each word to avoid significant missing thing. The conversation between characters isn't explained who's talking and  who's responding so I just guessing or if I am confused, I read it twice. I guess this is the art of classic novel, made the reader should think deeper not only vizualized it (i am not being sarcastic!)

The Characters itself represent the ignorant, smart generations because of the effect of world war I. Especially character of Brett, I actually hate her. How come there is a girl whom such a free and ignorant like her? She'd like saying i love you to every man whom attracted to her. I don't know may be at that centuries, woman whom fall into each man is lovely thing like Scarlett O'hara (Gone with the wind). But Scarlett is different with Brett. Scarlet is much independent and strong, the opposite of Brett.

I found the characters in this novel is disturbing and carefree. Not in the bad way, but that also made the strength of this novel.

Well, not kind of my favorite classic novel, but still worth to read as a reference. Anyway , it is also recognized as Hemingway's best artwork so as book lover we should read it to rich ourself. Not just you shall to, but you should to. And for the bonus you will get a lot of new vocab that rarely mentioned nowadays like : aficionado, dope, rot, circe, goner, and onlookers.

If you want to download the ebook version of The Sun Also Rises, please click here!

You might also like any other first person narrated novel in here or just back to book index!


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