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Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami

Norwegian Wood
Author : Haruki Murakami
Year Published : 1987
Origin : Japan
English translated by Jay Rubin (2000 edition)

"Death is not the opposite of life, but an innate part of life"

Before reading the book, I already watch the movie version of this book. I've heard about Murakami's name and give it 5 stars on his latest book, 1Q84 but how about Norwegian Wood? The first world-wide published book from Murakami's hands.

I should admit I didn't enjoy the movie very much. The plot is ok, but i feel something is disconnected between one scene to another. That must be something is powerful in this story rather than its plot.

So I give it a try to the book, and at the very first page, I already falling in love. Norwegian Wood is very Murakami. It is Murakami whom able to told someone's mindmap beautifully, truthfully, and evidently.

This is story about 37 years old man, Toru Watanabe whom just arrived in Hamburg, Germany. When he hears an orchestral cover of the Beatles' song "Norwegian Wood", he is suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of loss and nostalgia. He thinks back to the 1960s, when so much happened that touched his life.

When Toru is 17 years old, he lost his the one and only bestfriend, Kizuki. Kizuki is a charming boy, and have a girl friend named Naoko. The three of them is close each other and never expected that Kizuki will end his life by suicide.

Kizuki's death leaving a permanent scars to both Toru and Naoko. Toru decide to continue his life and go out from the city, then he went to college in Tokyo.

One day, accidentally he met Naoko and they decide to went walk together.  Suddenly Toru opened hisself to the beautiful Naoko. The same scars and feeling brought them together.

Toru living in dormitory that makes him met Stormtrooper-weird yet funny roomie, and Nagasawa, a smart rich boy whom also living as flamboyant. Nagasawa had an older girl friend,  Hatsumi.

It is Nagasawa whom tried to introduce night-life to Toru. Nagasawa teach Toru how to pick up a drunk-girl into bed. Nagasawa's presence also made Toru remember about his death-bestfriend, Kizuki.

On Naoko's 20th birthday, Toru and Naoko decide to made love. After they done it, Naoko is suddenly dissappearing. Thus, made Toru feels terribly guilty. Later, Naoko sent a letter to Toru and told him that Naoko is stay in- sanotarium-house to calm her troubled mind.

While they keep their correspondents, Toru met a young free soul-Midori in one of  Toru's classes. Soon, both of them become a bestfriend,.

On autumn, Toru visit Naoko in the sanotarium. In there, Toru met Naoko's roommate, Reiko. Reiko used to be a prodigy, but injury made her life destroyed added with several tragedies that made her affraid with the outside world.

Toru stayed for 3 nights, and finally decided that he will waiting for Naoko. He knows no matter what that he loves Naoko, and will take care of her. While in there, Toru learnt many things from Reiko's wisdom especially about life.

Back in Tokyo, Toru keep his correspondent with Naoko and slowly get involved with Midori's life. Later, Toru should decide between fragile Naoko and free-mind Midori.

Well, this novel is full of death, adult-scenes and sadness. It is very gloomy but I really don't mind because I got captivated with Toru's simple mind, Midori's free mind and the sadness of Naoko.

"Ok so I'm not so smart. I'm working class. But it's the working class that keeps the world running, and its the working class that gets exploited. What the hell kind of revolution have you got just tossing out big words that working class people can't understand? What the hell kind of social revolution is that? I mean I'd like to make the world a better place,too." Naoko told Toru about small group in her campus. 

This book is totally contemplation, richening with the deep thought and of course just like any other Murakami's book, he always describe about social movement in his surrounding. 

"Of course life frightens me sometimes. I don't happen to take that as the premise for everything else, though. I'm going to give it a hundred percent and go as far as I can.  I'll take what I want and leave what I don't want. That's how I intend to live my life, and if things go bad, I'll stop and reconsider at that point. If you think about it, an unfair society is a society that makes it possible for you to exploit your abilities to the limit"
" that's not hard work. It's just manual labor. Hardwork i'm talking about is more self directed and purposeful."_Nagasawa life's principle. 

Well, aside for giving rating 21++, This book is worth to read, really. I don't know why japanese like suicide-theme but different from any other japanese book, this book is very rich. I give 8 stars out of 10. A masterpiece. 


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