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And The Mountains Echoed by Khaled Hosseini

UK Cover credit to : And The Mountains Echoed
And The Mountains Echoed
by Khaled Hosseini
Pages : 402
Year of Published : 2013

But time, it is like charm. You never have as much as you think. 

After reading The Kite Runner and a Thousand Splendid Suns, I can't resist my self to read the latest book, another best-selling book of Hosseini, And The Mountains Echoed. Well, nothing can describe best about this book in spite of its own title.The story is revolving about a bunch of people with thin relationship  whom trying to find their meaning of life.

At first, the classic Hosseini successfully capture my imagination and heart with his magical storytelling. At opening, there is story about a poor family whom can't even survive the winter season. Their poverty force them to sell their youngest child, Pari to the wealthy family where her step uncle work, and then the story continued about the complex background of her foster family, Nila and his husband,and their butler, Nabi (Pari's step uncle).

Moving on to another chapter, there is another story about someone else with a very thin relationship to the first story. It is like mosaics which reader is forced to have a very good memories about so many names which popped up occasionally.

The main idea about this book is someone whom trying to find his/her true character in another person life. Every one has their obstacles, a surgeon who 'lost' far from his hometown when what he really want is helping his childhood friend whom suffered from severe facial disfigurement, and there is cousins whom come back to Afghanistan to claim their long lost properties, and there is Amra, a nurse working in a hospital at Afghanistan which used to be Nabi's resident and several other people with a very little connection to each character.

For thorough reader unlike me, may be the new taste of Hosseini is like a content journey, trying to connect every single achievement of each character to the whole mosaics. But sadly, I am not, what i can find is pieces of puzzle, connected but unable to create whole puzzle. It is like when the author write this book, he experienced a lot, one and another and then so eager he put to one book  under the tight deadline. It is like he is being chased and distracted. I think it would be better to split the story into trilogy or tetra-logy. IMHO. (Gosh forgive me If i am too harsh).

Yet still, it is best-selling book and who can argue the rating or quality when we are witnessing millions of copy sold out there?

Yup, it is good book but not my most favorite from Hosseini's accord. I can justify that he is trying to write differently to avoid reader-predictions or boredom. But I guess lot of writers always keep their style in same way but the readers keep read it because their long-miss of their reading experience.

The characters, yes each one is unique and lovable or hate-able. The setting is fine. To wrap it, still it is a magnificient story telling.
That a world you do not control will not take from you the one thing you cannot bear to lose.
Faith that the world will not destroy you. 



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