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Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

Author : Haruki Murakami
Year Published : Aug,2014
Language : English

Some books are meant to be read slowly, some books are not. Murakami's is definitely one of the first, when readers are chew each word and finally understand the whole meaning of the book.

But I guess Colorless Tsukuru is bit different from his previous books. Still Murakami but less surreal.

Being published in Japan at 2013, in a week its re-printed 8 times and sold for more than a million. A year after the published date, English version is published and most of his fans so amused and can't wait to read so they start pre-ordering online, and i am one of them.

I must admit, I barely give 5 out of 5 stars of Murakami's books, but if I able to rate the author, I give 11 out of 10 stars for his writing. Murakami's is like a healthy food that i shall consume periodically to make me fall in love again with 'delicious taste' of a book. I think it is because of its content, full of nutrition. 

Anyway Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki is a story about a 36 years old man namely Tsukuru Tazaki. He build a railway station for living, and consider it as his dream job because since he is a child, Tsukuru always love watching train.

Tsukuru Tazaki's life always dull (from his own opinion), he ever live so close with death after his close friends cut him off from their life. When he was in high school, Tazaki have a group of friends consist of five 'color' people (except him) i.e. Ao, Aka, Shiro and Kurono (Mr Blue, Mr Red, Miss White and Miss Black). They are so close and grow together until  Tazaki going to college to Tokyo and leaving his four friends in Nagoya. 

Tough he was away, every holiday he is manage his self to come to his hometown, Nagoya just to meet his four friends. Until he is at his sophomore year, suddenly his friends start to avoid him, reject his call, and decease him also leave him in questions. 

From then, he is like soul-less, something missing in his life, and never able to get deep relationship with others. Every time he started to get close with somebody, he will take a distance, afraid to get hurt again.

Sixteen years after that, his current girlfriend, Sara asks him to resolve his past. Just that time, Tsukure felt like he never felt toward Sara. He is in love with Sara and agree to resolve his past. With Sara's assistance, he start to looking his old friends and met them to ask what exactly happen that time.

Back to Nagoya, founding out that Kuro has already die, until flew to Finland only to heal his never-heal-wound from the past.

Well, character Tsukuru is like Murakami's usual protagonist, loner male, introvert and seems to have unique muse on something. But what makes this book different from the previous is somehow it is less surreal, there is only small amount of illogical fact like he used to be write. After 1Q84 which so thick and detail, 298 pages of paperback, in my opinion is not enough. The ending is classic Murakami, but this time so cliff hanger *sigh*.

As frequent reader, I don't expect resolved or literally ending because that's one of Murakami's beauty.

Well, for years of waiting, this book is a must read for Murakami fans. Like I said before, Murakami's book is like healthy food that we shall consume to keep our mind fresh and creative. Love it anyway!


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