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The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller



The Song of Achilles

 A tale of gods, kings, immortal fame, and the human heart, The Song of Achilles is a dazzling literary feat that brilliantly reimagines Homer’s enduring masterwork, The Iliad. An action-packed adventure, an epic love story, a marvelously conceived and executed page-turner, Miller’s monumental debut novel has already earned resounding acclaim from some of contemporary fiction’s brightest lights—and fans of Mary Renault, Bernard Cornwell, Steven Pressfield, and Colleen McCullough’s Masters of Rome series will delight in this unforgettable journey back to ancient Greece in the Age of Heroes.


Book ID : The Song of Achilles

Author : Madeline Miller

Genre : Fiction, Historical Fiction

Pages : 352

Publisher : Bloomsbury Publishing


Note: I am a stranger to Greek Mythology (except watched Hercules a long time ago), neither read Iliad- the original book of this mastery, nor watched Troy before.
The Song of Achilles is one of the highest rated-book in Goodreads, and the buzz is everywhere. millions of people like this book, so it is unavoidable, I have such high expectations when reading this.

I didn't even read the blurbs, moreover, detail other's reviews. Once I picked up the book, I read it during my before-bed reading.

Oh, this is about Achilles! I am familiar with Achilles's term as of health term. The Achilles tendon, but never thought that it is the name of the hero of the Trojan War. Ya, ya, I am the lack knowledge.

Anyhow, Achilles is the son of God- a sea nymph- Thetis and king of Phtia, Peleus. Ever since he's born, a prophecy has come, Achilles is the greatest of all Greek Warrior. Knowing that the son will be a hero, Thetis strictly monitors Achilles' training and life.
Meanwhile, there is an awkward boy, Prince Patroclus. Because of an incident, he's been exiled to Peleus's kingdom. Many boys train in there, expecting to be Achilles's companion.

But the awkward Patroclus has drawn Achilles's attention. Patroclus's loyalty and honesty, never seeking any attention are what Achilles like about him. Not long, they bond the relationship. Patroclus stayed at Achilles's chamber and they become inseparable.

But Thetis saw the demise of Achilles from Patroclus. She tried so hard to separate them but it only make their bond grow stronger. Even when Achilles should train to the wisest centaur, Chiron, Patroclus follows him, running without thinking anything else.

Even since Patroclus get close with Achilles, he knows he will let go of his life to save Achilles. The awkward Patroclus, couldn't stop to amaze whenever he saw Achilles. From the way he moves, speaks, acts even his innocent sleeping face.

This is an unconventional love story. Patroclus and Achilles never said love each other, but it represents everything they do for each other. How Achilles always makes sure there is a place for Patroclus, or how Patroclus always know what the best for Achilles. And the prose is superbly beautiful. The Author has made the most beautiful love story without cringe-worthy and cliche.

Maybe that's the focus of this book. The relationship between Achilles and Patroclus, that Troy director didn't even bother to explore. The thing is, I expect more. I expect a more detailed story about the war, Chiron's background, Odysseus's character, and many more.

I know, it will take seven books to explore the detail of the Trojan war. But, please go long way, because I don't feel Patroclus's story developed more, instead of his insecurity and overflow love whenever he saw Achilles. It feels like a summary with detailed admiration toward the greatest greek warrior.

Maybe I have too high expectations, or maybe it is because I have zero knowledge about Greek Mythology. But it becomes dilemmatic to like this book in my mind. I can say it is a romance story, not so much. Or Historical Fiction, not so much.

However, it is a great book when you want to know about mythology, or how the be swept off by the beautiful words. It is worth reading, of course. I just can say, it happened not my favorite book.


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