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One of Us is Next by Karen M. Mc.Manus


Paperback edition

Come on, Bayview, you know you've missed this.

A ton of copycat gossip apps have popped up since Simon died, but in the year since the Bayview four were cleared of his shocking death, no one's been able to fill the gossip void quite like he could. The problem is no one has the facts. 

Until now. 

This time it's not an app, though—it's a game. 

Truth or Dare.

Phoebe's the first target. If you choose not to play, it's a truth. And hers is dark. 

Then comes Maeve and she should know better—always choose the dare. 

But by the time Knox is about to be tagged, things have gotten dangerous. The dares have become deadly, and if Maeve learned anything from Bronwyn last year, it's that they can't count on the police for help. Or protection.

Simon's gone, but someone's determined to keep his legacy at Bayview High alive. And the rules have changed.

One of Us is Next (One of Us is Lying #2)
Author : Karen M. Mcmanus
Published year : 2020
Publisher : Delacorte Press for Young readers
Language : English
Genre : Thriller 

Karen M. Mcmanus is the established name of thriller author for young readers. Well known for her brilliant work, One of Us is Lying back in 2017. I have a good time reading her previous works but I have a doubtful question, Is it really necessary to make a sequel? The ending One of Us was good and no cliffhangers need to be continued.

But then, I found myself browsing the sequel in the bookstore's alley. I even ordered it when it was available at other stores. So, here I am, read the book and back to my very question, Is it really necessary?

One of us is Next continuing the story of Bayview High School students. The story is told from three different points of view, Maeve-sister of Browynn (former protagonist), Knox- Maeve's platonic love, and Phoebe. 

The former heroes of Bayview have gone to their next phase in life. Bronwyn to Yale, her boyfriend Nate works at the local construction company, Cooper as a famous college athlete, and Addy dedicated her life to pursuing her dream. 

Their case has been popular, some people have tried to reinstate Simon's terror but never succeeded. Until one day, there are texts to challenge the selected student to take a dare or the sender will reveal her/his ugly truth.

Maeve- has been succeeded in helping her sister, tracking down Simon's case. Maeve's life has been not easy. She has been torn apart from choosing the right college for her. Living like a shadow of Browyn's reputation, and her complicated relationship with Knox.

Knox has always been Maeve's best friend. They tried to be a lover but didn't work out. Meanwhile, at home, his cold relationship with his father, keep him edgy. He never mans enough in front of his father's eyes just because he cannot work at his father's company. So, he chose to work as an intern in Eli's law firm, and love to be there. 

Phoebe, after losing his father, her relationship with her sister, Emma, falls apart. Their house is shrinking, so she was escaping her feeling dating the school's jock/asshole, Brandon. Phoebe is the hot one, wearing hips attire every day. Phoebe work at Luis's father's restaurant as a part-timer. There, she met Maeve and Knox who always hang out, almost every day. One day, a random text challenge her to choose between Truth or dare. 

Saw the challenge message, Phoebe ignore it. On the next day, the ugly truth has been revealed that makes her relationship with her sister fall apart. She tried to apologize and explain everything, yet Emma refuse it. 

Meanwhile, has monitored Simon's previous portal site, Maeve feels unnerving. She guessed someone has been tried to reinstate Simon's game and Phoebe is the next target. The problem is Bayview students love to gossip and they are willing to join the game voluntarily.

The next target is Sean. Another Bayview asshole. But he chose the dare over the truth.

And then it comes to Maeve's turn. Maeve didn't want to take it apart so she ignore the text. And the next day, a truth revealed that hurt her relationship with Knox. Sadly, Maeve has another battle to fight. She used to have cancer for a long time, and there are signs that it may come again.

Been the victims, Maeve and Phoebe get closer, as well as Phoebe and Knox. Finally, after another tragedy costs someone's life, Maeve, Pheobe, and Knox join forces to solve the mystery- who is the actor behind all of this scheme?


Their investigations turn to the unexpected suspect, and get dangerous!


One thing that I love about YA thrillers, we can finish them in just one go. I finished it in several hours can move on to another book. One of Us is next also like that.


Trying to re-ignite the sparks by bringing the old characters back to the town occasionally, but still, I don't feel the suspense as thrill as the first book. Maeve is too Browyn, Phoebe is too Addy- well actually American protagonist is a typical nerdy vs popular girl. So no biggie. 


Then, the placing hint of the suspicious character, who does what is still obvious, that reader can guess easily this time. One of Us Lying is more difficult to guess.


Yet, I like Karen always bringing the themes of the family stand out this time. Different families have different reactions toward one tragedy. The platonic love between Maeve and Knox is special that we can relate somehow back to our high school days.


There is also, a splash of the old character's present future in the book. About Nate and Bronwyn especially. And of course, it feels like we enter Bayview world once again thru this book.


So, in conclusion. It is still a good read, the first one sparks more joy than the second sequel. And answering my previous question, do we need to the sequel? 


Honestly, no. It is like an independent book, and we can read it without the first one. If you miss the Bayview, you can read it. If you look for a suspense thriller book, you can skip it!


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