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Tae Guk Gi, War Movie taste Korean

Tae Guk Gi (2004)
Director : Kang Jae Kyu
Casts: Won Bin, Jang Dong Gun
Genre : War

Won Bin as Lee Jin Seok
Well, Tae Guk Gi is definitely War movie-genre that originated from Korea. I must admit that initially I was skeptic about this movie. I already have it for several months, but never decided to watch it until yesterday, when I really run out of movie.
I always love Korean Movie but when it is come to drama or romantic movie. Colossal movie is ok, but war? Never tried before and I am bit worry with logic and time leap (because Korean movie often forget about thus twos).

Tae Guk Gi is story about Korean War in 1950’s that take place in Korea. If I might recall, Korean War is a war between North Korean and South Korean. Based on Wikipedia, Korea War last for 3 years (1950 – 1953) and then they made a truce until now.

On June 1950, When North Korea send their armies for the first time to invade South Korean, two brothers, Lee tae jin (Jang Dong Gun) - a shoe shiner and Lee Jin Seok (Won Bin) -18 years student, accidentally drafted to Korean War. Initially they are happy family live with their mute mother and Tae Jin’s fiancée along with 3 another brothers.

Tae Jin and Jin Seok admire an Italian Shoes
Tae Jin-the older brother has always being very protective to his younger brother, Jin Seok. Along with his mother, Tae-jin work so hard to send his younger brother to University. And then when Tae Jin is being called to be army, Tae Jin sacrifices his self join the army in order to protect his brother.

With excuse that Jin-Seok is not very healthy, Tae Jin ask the commander to release his brother and replaced by him. The commander promised that he will release Jin seok if Tae Jin succeeds to win Medal of Honor.
Working so hard, without fear, Tae Jin always is the front man and forced his brother stay behind or always by his side in order to protect him. His bravery (without considering risk) made Tae Jin gain trust gradually and leveling up.

But Jin Seok sees it in another way, he saw that his older brother has changed and turned into different person. Tae jin’s ambition to get Medal of Honor was made him being a selfish person and sacrificing another man in their group.

When Jin Seok feel that his brother has changed
The turning point is when they found their fellow whom forced to join the North Korean squad. Tae Jin only sees him as communist whom slaughter innocent people. Tae jin is like forget that they know each other for very long time. Tae jin is become mean and ambitious.

The rest of conflict is story how Jin Seok being angry with his older brother. He demanded his brother to give up about Medal of Honor, to stop being selfish, considering the rest of family and come back as his brother. But Tae Jin was denied it. His aim is just send Jin Seok home.

Actually, the visual effect of this movie is beyond my expectation. The special effect is also good. At war scene, there are lot of bloods, separated body, and explosions. I can see it that this movie is high budget and not being 50-50.
For the Cinematography, well I never questioned Korean Movie. Cinematography of Korean Movie is always beautiful. The detail also good, they able to setting Korean arround 50's condition.

Both Actors success to create a  brotherhood bonding
As for the cast, for Korean lover who dare to doubt Won Bin and Jang Dong Gun? The innocent character of Won Bin very fit with Jin seok character as well with Dong Gun. The great thing is they are able to create a brotherhood bond at the very beginning at the movie. Well, although I am not cried for this movie like I used to see another war movie. 

I don’t know why but I assume it is because I feel something is wrong with this movie. The relationship between private and commander is uncertain and not shown. May be in that movie they are not real private but ordinary citizen. It seems unrealistic for me, actually when suddenly Tae Jin joined the North Korean forces. I think it is because the director only wants to show the drama between two brothers and the brutality of Korean War. There is no clear tactic in this movie, an ordinary sergeant able to infiltrate enemy’s line, alone, not being backed up, and not being killed. Not too impress me.

At the end, they should face each other for different nationality
Well, Finally, this 140 minutes movie is worth to watch. I give rating 6.8 out of 10. I still troubled by the unrealistic scene in that movie.
But really, if you just ignore it and love the brutality scene, Just watch Tae Guk Gi! Bravo Korean Movie!

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